[So... what gives?] RE: So here it is one year later...
Gordon Fecyk
2005-01-28 19:18:11 UTC
You've all been soooo busy over at The SPF Council [tm, r, reg, tinc, tinlc,
etc] that there's still no published, or working, support for SPF in:

Yahoo mail
Rogers.com (Blackberry)

Yes, Exchange. All of the links from The SPF Council [tm, r, reg, tinc,
tinlc, etc] home page directing visitors to Exchange implementations are
BROKEN. There are no links at all for Notes. None for Groupwise.

There's no media announcements (nothing in mainstream IT media anyway, not
even Slashdot!) since mid-2004 when the working group dismantled. Not even
from Microsoft about their precious Sender ID [tm, r, reg, bg, iluvbunny,
etc] released anything - no news, no betas, nothing.

As far as Joe Sixpack cares, you all disappeared from the face of the net six
months ago. And Joe Sixpack's the one whining about falsified e-mail.

And guess what Messagelabs announced: They're turning on MAPS DUL blocking
and deleting WITHOUT THEIR CUSTOMERS' PERMSSION. I guess Joe Sixpack really
knows what works.

Don't ask me either. I'm trying to earn a living helping people with real
computing problems - and spam isn't one of them - so, like Joe Sixpack before
me, I don't have time to write code.
PGP key (0x0AFA039E): <http://www.pan-am.ca/***@pan-am.ca.asc>
Sometimes it's hard to tell where the game ends and where reality bites,
er, begins. <http://vmyths.com/resource.cfm?id=50&page=1>
Scott Kitterman
2005-01-28 19:54:01 UTC
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 2:18 PM
To: IETF MXCOMP (E-mail)
Subject: [So... what gives?] RE: So here it is one year later...
You've all been soooo busy over at The SPF Council [tm, r, reg,
tinc, tinlc,
Yahoo mail
Rogers.com (Blackberry)
Yes, Exchange. All of the links from The SPF Council [tm, r, reg, tinc,
tinlc, etc] home page directing visitors to Exchange implementations are
BROKEN. There are no links at all for Notes. None for Groupwise.

For Exchange, there is at least one commercial implementation available:


Scott Kitterman
