Mail Server Registries and Foreign Sender Authentication: A Proposal
Randy Smith
2007-03-24 02:51:55 UTC

I was recently discussing various issues surrounding email with a
coworker and had a couple of ideas for authentication systems that I
would like to get some feedback on. You can read my ideas at

As I said, I'm looking for feedback. Are these ideas worth pursuing or
am I barking up the wrong tree?

Thank you for your time.
Randy Smith
Frank Ellermann
2007-03-24 04:25:01 UTC
Post by Randy Smith
am I barking up the wrong tree?
The tree is right, but it's not here: This list is dead.

For slightly more active lists see the ASRG or the SMTP
lists. You might wish to check out DKIM (an RFC approved
recently now waiting for its RFC number), SPF (RFC 4408),
and draft-irtf-asrg-howe-siq-03.txt for proposals in
similar directions, some pieces of the puzzle already
exist. They're not based on OpenID, that's rather new.

2007-03-25 20:24:06 UTC
Post by Randy Smith
I was recently discussing various issues surrounding email with a
coworker and had a couple of ideas for authentication systems that I
would like to get some feedback on. You can read my ideas at
As I said, I'm looking for feedback. Are these ideas worth pursuing or
am I barking up the wrong tree?
Thank you for your time.
In my opinion, you are not barking up the wrong tree, but the
"inevitable tree." Its not a new concept, but a concept we have moved
away from in the name of having an open anonymous system. But we seem to
be reinventing ourselves to go back to this direction.

In short, you are simply talking about a client/server negotiation
handshake stage. In my opinion, maybe not in our "engineering" life
time, this is will be the ultimate method of client/server operations.
The anonymous sender will be "thing" of the past.

Look at the old Fidonet technology, 100% based on a similar
client/server negotiation concepts.

1) Every server MUST be "registered" with a "HOST", in Fidonet, that
would be your uplink Net or Zone Host. In the internet, that might be
your "ISP", the early forms of Fidonet Net/Zone Hosting systems that
were the backbone of the topology.

2) When installing the software, you applied for a FIDONET address and
your "ISP" would check your system for 100% FTN compliance before you
were assigned a Fidonet Address.

3) You were not allowed to be part of the "net" if you did not have a
100% FTN compliant client and server. Not compliant? No Fidonet
address was given to you.

4) There were four basic requirements:

4.a) The software support the legacy FTN1 file transfer protocol. The
more advanced IEMSI is akin to what we have today with EHLO and extended
server attributes.

4.b) Although you can apply for a private address, ALL servers must be
available during Zone Mail Hour (ZMH). This is akin to having a 100%
closed system but there were designated times where you allowed
anonymous mail (from a registered FTN member) to come in.

4.c) ZMH was designed for making sure ROUTED mail is ALWAYS available.
So even if you didn't allow DIRECT mail, a person can send routed mail
to you via your HOST which you must ALWAYS accept.

4.d) During ZHM, at a minimum FTN1 must be supported.

There were probably others, but the above were the main things and in
addition, the most contentious issues during the "Fidonet/Internet
Migration Days."

The legacy FTN1 protocol was REALLY old and it has major problems in
packet switching networks. ZMODEM and other file transfer protocols
designed for Packet switching networks were part of the newer generation
Fidonet software, but were OPTIONAL and not required. However, new
developers were not bothering with the older problematic FTN1 protocol
and using the new protocols which at least 99% of all systems supported.
But the old school FTN net police insisted on FTN1 and rejected
applications, registrations of any person installing newer and better
software if it didn't have FTN1 support. This turned off alot of
developers and with the Internet humming around the corner, and new FTSC
(akin to IETF) groups created to get around these policing issues,
Fidonet began on a death spiral. The one thing the FTSC had control of
was the NodeList, this would be akin to DNS. So new Nodelist ZONE files
were created to establish new networks where the FTSC had no control.

In any case, conceptually, we are talking about the same type of direction.

- Registration of servers and clients within some "controlled
and centralized" nodelist/DNS system.

- It will confronted with the same Legacy issues of supporting
legitimate clients that might not part of the "controlled network."

As with Fidonet, this is where you will have the major
uphill battle. The IETF is dead set against breaking the
the current open network integrity of the system. Legacy
software must be supported.

I happen to agree. Legacy software must be supported, however, I am also
open to introducing a ZMH like idea where systems are allowed to
designate "open" and "closed" times for legacy systems.

Based on these experiences, I had started a IETF draft awhile back that
basically defined "SERVER ATTRIBUTES" records that clients will use to
obtain server attributes that will cover these client/server negotiation
parameters. I happen to believe the idea will be eventually be a major
part of the system, in some form or another and we are beginning to
touch based with it with DKIM and its SSP ideas. Also look at the
growth of SIP communications. It is all going (back) in this direction.

Hector Santos/CTO
Santronics Software, Inc.
Frank Ellermann
2007-03-26 04:33:09 UTC
But the old school FTN net police insisted on FTN1 and rejected
applications, registrations of any person installing newer and
better software if it didn't have FTN1 support.
Nobody was forced to use it for sending mail, unless that person
was a *C obliged to test that applicants can receive FTN1 mails.
I needed FTN1 for crash mails (rarely, but still).
The one thing the FTSC had control of was the NodeList
Nope. The FTSC was the standards committee, like IETF/IESG/IAB.

The NodeLists were controlled by the *Cs (ultimately the ZCs of
the relevant zones), that's like ICANN. The FTSC controlled the
definition of the nodelist format (in theory, never changed in
my time), not the content.

Douglas Otis
2007-03-27 01:20:20 UTC
Post by Randy Smith
I was recently discussing various issues surrounding email with a
coworker and had a couple of ideas for authentication systems that I
would like to get some feedback on. You can read my ideas at
As I said, I'm looking for feedback. Are these ideas worth pursuing or
am I barking up the wrong tree?
It would seem OpenID is ideal for controlling a recipient's access to
information being sent using BURL style messages. OpenID means the
sender would not need to control how the recipient confirms their
identity. There would need to be a convention established to translate
email-addresses to a URI convention suitable for use with OpenID.

This would protect message content as well as confirm the recipient
actually received their message. This seems like an ideal mechanism for
various sensitive commerce related transactions. By pointing to the
message with a URI, there would not be any need to verify the identity
of the message source. However, the source URI should use the same
conventions as that used for OpenID recipient.

As OpenID really needs a specialized viewer, where one designed to
function as an MUA would not be unreasonable. OpenID could also help
establish filtering criteria as well. OpenID is an interesting

Randy Smith
2007-03-28 13:42:51 UTC
Post by Douglas Otis
Post by Randy Smith
I was recently discussing various issues surrounding email with a
coworker and had a couple of ideas for authentication systems that I
would like to get some feedback on. You can read my ideas at
As I said, I'm looking for feedback. Are these ideas worth pursuing or
am I barking up the wrong tree?
It would seem OpenID is ideal for controlling a recipient's access to
information being sent using BURL style messages. OpenID means the
sender would not need to control how the recipient confirms their
identity. There would need to be a convention established to translate
email-addresses to a URI convention suitable for use with OpenID.
Perhaps. Simpler from the recipient's perspective would be to have the
send specify a the URL as part of the SMTP conversation.
Post by Douglas Otis
This would protect message content as well as confirm the recipient
actually received their message. This seems like an ideal mechanism for
various sensitive commerce related transactions.
I hadn't thought of that but it might be an interesting fringe benefit.
Post by Douglas Otis
By pointing to the
message with a URI, there would not be any need to verify the identity
of the message source. However, the source URI should use the same
conventions as that used for OpenID recipient.
As OpenID really needs a specialized viewer, where one designed to
function as an MUA would not be unreasonable. OpenID could also help
establish filtering criteria as well. OpenID is an interesting
Since OpenID is built to allow authentication, among other things,
against 3rd party systems, it seems like an excellent way to allow and
recipient server to authenticate all users who wish to send or deliver
mail with their server.

Thanks for taking the time to respond.
Randy Smith
Jeff Macdonald
2007-03-29 02:52:57 UTC
Post by Randy Smith
Since OpenID is built to allow authentication, among other things,
against 3rd party systems, it seems like an excellent way to allow and
recipient server to authenticate all users who wish to send or deliver
mail with their server.
Randy, could you use OpenID terms in describing your SMTP extension?
I'm having trouble understanding how this would work from your
description in your blog. Adding PGP seems to add additional overhead
for what OpenID provides (unless I'm totally mis-understanding OpenID).
Here are what I think are some of the relevant terms:

MTA terms:
C: Sending MTA - sending message
S: Receiving MTA - receiving message

OpenID terms:
Consumer - wants proof
End User - wants to prove their identity to Consumer
User Agent - End user web browser

I is the Identity server

Say there is a new ESMTP keyword, OPENID. Here's a breakdown loosely
following your example:

C->S: connects
S->C: banner

C->S: ehlo
S->C: OPENID is returned along with whatever else

C->S: OPENID <url identifier>
S: <becomes a Consumer>
S->I: <fetches url identifier: Section 3.3 of OpenID spec>
S->C: 250 <identity provider URL: Section 3.5 of OpenID spec>

S->I: associate with identity provider? Section 4.1.x

C->I: go to identity provider? Section 4.2.x

C->S: OPENID CRED <stuff from>
S->C: 250 Ok Credentials are OK

<continue with normal SMTP>

I may of abused SMTP extensions in this example (re: OPENID CRED).
:: Jeff Macdonald | Principal Engineer, Messaging Technologies
:: e-Dialog | ***@e-dialog.com
:: 131 Hartwell Ave. | Lexington, MA 02421
:: v: 781-372-1922 | f: 781-863-8118
:: www.e-dialog.com
Douglas Otis
2007-03-29 18:39:33 UTC
Post by Jeff Macdonald
Post by Randy Smith
Since OpenID is built to allow authentication, among other things,
against 3rd party systems, it seems like an excellent way to allow
and recipient server to authenticate all users who wish to send or
deliver mail with their server.
Randy, could you use OpenID terms in describing your SMTP extension?
I'm having trouble understanding how this would work from your
description in your blog. Adding PGP seems to add additional
overhead for what OpenID provides (unless I'm totally mis-
understanding OpenID). Here are what I think are some of the
C: Sending MTA - sending message
S: Receiving MTA - receiving message
There are OpenID extensions proposed to allow the exchange of public
keys related to an Identity.


There are OpenID extensions proposed for email-addresses such as:



Now imagine an extension to DKIM, OpenPGP, or S/MIME where a query
method is defined for OpenID.

This would allow senders to sign messages and allow recipients to
verify using extensions proposed for identifying email-addresses
using OpenID.

This would not require any change to SMTP, but would require a minor
change to DKIM, OpenPGP, or S/MIME. But it gets better...
Post by Jeff Macdonald
Consumer - wants proof
End User - wants to prove their identity to Consumer
User Agent - End user web browser
Sender - wants proof of recipient and secure receipt for web
exchanged information.

It would also be possible to forgo any public-key cryptography
related to the message by using standardized conventions for where
the web exchanged information is placed with regard to a specific

Perhaps a subdomain of OMail.<email-domain> could work where the
local-part is normalized within the first path. Sub-path components
could function as the message-ID, for example.

When a message is exchanged using something like BURL, the identity
of the sender can be deduced from the embedded URI. Nothing else is
needed as it would be expected this location would be identified
using SSL certs when related to commerce. It would be rather
difficult to forge such messages when the entire message body is
found via the link. The web server could then use OpenID to ensure
only the intended recipient receives the message. When done using
HTTPS, email becomes secure without use of encrypted messages.

OpenID is already establishing whitelists to protect blogs. This
effort could extend to whitelisting email that is sent using such
Post by Jeff Macdonald
I is the Identity server
Say there is a new ESMTP keyword, OPENID. Here's a breakdown loosely
C->S: connects
S->C: banner
C->S: ehlo
S->C: OPENID is returned along with whatever else
There could be extensions made in the HTTP header structures found in
OMail subdomain that lists the root names of all "authorized" SMTP
clients, for example. I doubt this would be needed once only BURL
style messages are adopted as an exclusive mode of exchange. This
will take awhile.
Post by Jeff Macdonald
C->S: OPENID <url identifier>
S: <becomes a Consumer>
S->I: <fetches url identifier: Section 3.3 of OpenID spec>
S->C: 250 <identity provider URL: Section 3.5 of OpenID spec>
Possible, but this would require a lengthy adoption process. There
could be a convention used for the SMTP client host-name that also
signals use of an authorization field found within the OMail
subdomain. This convention might look something like:

Post by Jeff Macdonald
S->I: associate with identity provider? Section 4.1.x
C->I: go to identity provider? Section 4.2.x
C->S: OPENID CRED <stuff from>
S->C: 250 Ok Credentials are OK
<continue with normal SMTP>
I may of abused SMTP extensions in this example (re: OPENID CRED).
An extension could also be used. Which ever shows the least
resistance will likely be the best choice.

Randy Smith
2007-04-03 03:48:23 UTC
Post by Jeff Macdonald
Post by Randy Smith
Since OpenID is built to allow authentication, among other things,
against 3rd party systems, it seems like an excellent way to allow and
recipient server to authenticate all users who wish to send or deliver
mail with their server.
Randy, could you use OpenID terms in describing your SMTP extension?
I'm having trouble understanding how this would work from your
description in your blog. Adding PGP seems to add additional overhead
for what OpenID provides (unless I'm totally mis-understanding OpenID).
What I was think of was using the trust features of PGP to allow the
server to make decisions based on how much the key is trusted and the
"trustiness" of other keys in the chain. If a web of trust could be
built by some other means than PGP, that's fine. It's the trust and
key signing that's important here, not the encryption.
Post by Jeff Macdonald
C: Sending MTA - sending message
S: Receiving MTA - receiving message
Consumer - wants proof
End User - wants to prove their identity to Consumer
User Agent - End user web browser
I is the Identity server
Say there is a new ESMTP keyword, OPENID. Here's a breakdown loosely
C->S: connects
S->C: banner
C->S: ehlo
S->C: OPENID is returned along with whatever else
C->S: OPENID <url identifier>
S: <becomes a Consumer>
S->I: <fetches url identifier: Section 3.3 of OpenID spec>
S->C: 250 <identity provider URL: Section 3.5 of OpenID spec>
S->I: associate with identity provider? Section 4.1.x
C->I: go to identity provider? Section 4.2.x
Honestly, I'm not sure as I'm not familiar with the details of Open
ID. I think the best way would be for the server to verify the
identity with the ID provider rather than trust the client.
Post by Jeff Macdonald
C->S: OPENID CRED <stuff from>
S->C: 250 Ok Credentials are OK
<continue with normal SMTP>
I may of abused SMTP extensions in this example (re: OPENID CRED).
That's pretty close to what I was thinking.
Post by Jeff Macdonald
:: Jeff Macdonald | Principal Engineer, Messaging Technologies
:: 131 Hartwell Ave. | Lexington, MA 02421
:: v: 781-372-1922 | f: 781-863-8118
:: www.e-dialog.com
Randy Smith
Douglas Otis
2007-04-03 18:17:29 UTC
Post by Randy Smith
Post by Jeff Macdonald
Randy, could you use OpenID terms in describing your SMTP extension?
I'm having trouble understanding how this would work from your
description in your blog. Adding PGP seems to add additional overhead
for what OpenID provides (unless I'm totally mis-understanding OpenID).
What I was think of was using the trust features of PGP to allow the
server to make decisions based on how much the key is trusted and the
"trustiness" of other keys in the chain. If a web of trust could be
built by some other means than PGP, that's fine. It's the trust and
key signing that's important here, not the encryption.
Perhaps someone could use OpenID for email submission. Providers
would need to establish another method to validate the holder of the
OpenID. OpenID might improve the user experience when offered as an
option to those who's identity has already been validated by other
means. OpenID vouches for an ID, but does not exclude bad actors
holding millions of such OpenIDs. In such a case, when OpenID
requires account details to change, some other method other than
OpenID would be required. Perhaps OpenID provides their public key
to be used as another authentication alternative.
Post by Randy Smith
Post by Jeff Macdonald
C: Sending MTA - sending message
S: Receiving MTA - receiving message
Consumer - wants proof
End User - wants to prove their identity to Consumer
User Agent - End user web browser
I is the Identity server
Say there is a new ESMTP keyword, OPENID. Here's a breakdown loosely
C->S: connects
S->C: banner
C->S: ehlo
S->C: OPENID is returned along with whatever else
C->S: OPENID <url identifier>
S: <becomes a Consumer>
S->I: <fetches url identifier: Section 3.3 of OpenID spec>
S->C: 250 <identity provider URL: Section 3.5 of OpenID spec>
S->I: associate with identity provider? Section 4.1.x
C->I: go to identity provider? Section 4.2.x
Honestly, I'm not sure as I'm not familiar with the details of Open
ID. I think the best way would be for the server to verify the
identity with the ID provider rather than trust the client.
OpenID will not function in a manner similar to that of kerberos.
The user agent acknowledges a query, but contains no intelligence.
This makes OpenID instantly available but somewhat fragile and poorly
suited for automated authentications. The OpenID could offer
authorizations. : )
Post by Randy Smith
Post by Jeff Macdonald
C->S: OPENID CRED <stuff from>
S->C: 250 Ok Credentials are OK
<continue with normal SMTP>
I may of abused SMTP extensions in this example (re: OPENID CRED).
That's pretty close to what I was thinking.
Review rfc2554 and rfc4409. OpenID for SMTP authentication of
outbound mail would likely need to restrict the selection of the
Identity servers. This would tend to make OpenID in this case a bit
less open. : )


Randy Smith
2007-03-28 13:36:41 UTC
Post by Randy Smith
I was recently discussing various issues surrounding email with a
coworker and had a couple of ideas for authentication systems that I
would like to get some feedback on. You can read my ideas at
As I said, I'm looking for feedback. Are these ideas worth pursuing or
am I barking up the wrong tree?
Thank you for your time.
In my opinion, you are not barking up the wrong tree, but the
"inevitable tree." Its not a new concept, but a concept we have moved
away from in the name of having an open anonymous system. But we seem to
be reinventing ourselves to go back to this direction.
The biggest problem, IMO, is not the open system but the anonymous
one. One reason spam works so well is that its so very easy to lie
about who the sender is. I don't think there's any reason why a mail
admin couldn't setup their own registration server but as the
recipient, I need to have some way of knowing that I can trust the
registry, hence the web of trust built around server keys.
In short, you are simply talking about a client/server negotiation
handshake stage. In my opinion, maybe not in our "engineering" life
time, this is will be the ultimate method of client/server operations.
The anonymous sender will be "thing" of the past.
[snip: fidonet history]
In any case, conceptually, we are talking about the same type of direction.
- Registration of servers and clients within some "controlled
and centralized" nodelist/DNS system.
- It will confronted with the same Legacy issues of supporting
legitimate clients that might not part of the "controlled network."
As with Fidonet, this is where you will have the major
uphill battle. The IETF is dead set against breaking the
the current open network integrity of the system. Legacy
software must be supported.
I happen to agree. Legacy software must be supported, however, I am also
open to introducing a ZMH like idea where systems are allowed to
designate "open" and "closed" times for legacy systems.
What I'm thinking of would be an extension to SMTP rather than an
entirely new system. As the main admin for an ISP, the last thing I
want to do is build a second system to handle a new protocol that
hardly anyone uses (at least, until the rest of the Net migrated). I
think the hand shake could be complete wrapped within the SMTP
Based on these experiences, I had started a IETF draft awhile back that
basically defined "SERVER ATTRIBUTES" records that clients will use to
obtain server attributes that will cover these client/server negotiation
parameters. I happen to believe the idea will be eventually be a major
part of the system, in some form or another and we are beginning to
touch based with it with DKIM and its SSP ideas. Also look at the
growth of SIP communications. It is all going (back) in this direction.
It may be necessary to add a capabilities keyword similar to IMAP or
specify that the EHLO response include a list of supported keywords.

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my ramblings. :-)
Hector Santos/CTO
Santronics Software, Inc.
Randy Smith
2007-03-28 15:03:40 UTC
Post by Randy Smith
The biggest problem, IMO, is not the open system but the anonymous
one. One reason spam works so well is that its so very easy to lie
about who the sender is.
Hence we have SPF and proposals such as DKIM and others.
Post by Randy Smith
I don't think there's any reason why a mail
admin couldn't setup their own registration server but as the
recipient, I need to have some way of knowing that I can trust the
registry, hence the web of trust built around server keys.
One of the issues is that SMTP is not fully client-server but rather
store-forward protocol. When you communicate with someone over SMTP
as a client you do not know if its true end-user or not.
Post by Randy Smith
What I'm thinking of would be an extension to SMTP rather than an
entirely new system. As the main admin for an ISP, the last thing I
want to do is build a second system to handle a new protocol that
hardly anyone uses (at least, until the rest of the Net migrated).
SMTP is built in such a way that extensions to SMTP that any serious
extensions only you support are to large degree exactly like a new
Post by Randy Smith
I think the hand shake could be complete wrapped within the SMTP
We have that in a way - EHLO provides list of capabilities of the server.
keywords issued during RCPT and MAIL FROM provide list of capabilities
of the client. Even with additional EHLO-like keyword that client would
issue the issue is that it could "lie" if it does not want to list certain
capabilities based on what it saw capabilities of the server are - so its
all volunterily in the same way MAIL FROM and RCPT keywords are when
client wants to advertise and turn on certain protocol functions.
Post by Randy Smith
It may be necessary to add a capabilities keyword similar to IMAP or
specify that the EHLO response include a list of supported keywords.
EHLO is already basicly list of supported extensions where each
one can be further subdevided (this is rarely used) into support
Post by Randy Smith
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my ramblings. :-)
No problem, that's what we're still here for :)
Post by Randy Smith
Hector Santos/CTO
Santronics Software, Inc.
Dean Anderson
2007-03-29 02:50:28 UTC
Post by Randy Smith
The biggest problem, IMO, is not the open system but the anonymous
one. One reason spam works so well is that its so very easy to lie
about who the sender is.
This is myth, stated since at least 1996, probably earlier. 10+ years of
anti-spam work shows that one does not need to know "who" is sending
mail to effectively complain. One only needs the IP address and a time.
Their ISP knows who they are, or they don't. The ability to lie is

That's as good as that identity information gets, too. Privacy laws
would preclude anything else.

The biggest problem is that the real commercial bulk emailers comply
with CAN-SPAM, and thus aren't a problem, while the miscreants send pure
annoyance with no commercial purpose, but it takes a bit of research to
figure that out. One really needs to find out who the miscreants are.
I've identified a few: they were pretending to be anti-spammers. They
still pretend to be anti-spammers.
Post by Randy Smith
I don't think there's any reason why a mail admin couldn't setup their
own registration server but as the recipient, I need to have some way
of knowing that I can trust the registry, hence the web of trust built
around server keys.
This was tried and didn't work. 'Trust' for email sending, extends to
everyone, and the system is still subject to abuse, albeit
cryptographically signed abuse, and now you have a problem with key
management, and you still need their ISP to translate a real identity to
a crypto key, which they still can't do without a court order or
warrant. And a new account comes with a different crypto key, and keys
will be stolen by viruses and rooting. Same problem, many dollars
later. But good if you are selling crypto-email systems and consulting.

I showed in 2003 that information theory PROVES that the miscreant
abusers cannot be stopped by technical means, because a communications
system that is free from abuse [that is 'can't be abused' in contrast to
just 'isn't being abused'] is also free from covert channels, and hence
contrary to a thereom of information theory which states that a
communication system can't be proven free of covert channels. Covert
channels are always possible. It is always possible to abuse a
communication system.

So, whack-a-mole is as good as it gets. Actually, that's not a strong
enough statement. This is better: Whack-a-mole is as good as it CAN get,
without upending information theory. Since information theory is tied
to thermodynamics, and is physically and mathematically sound, that
probably won't happen.

What to do? Get good a whack-a-mole. Indeed, we can get better at
that: standard forms for abuse complaints comes to mind. Maybe a
standarized web app for submitting such forms, that can be supported by
every ISP complaint/ticket system as a standard interface.


It is quite ironic that the people who talk most about reputation
systems have no problem associating _themselves_ with very
disreputatable people and court-proven liars, people pretending to be
anti-spammers, but obviously not. I suspect there is a story there,
somewhere; amid the people who pretend to be anti-spammers while
engaging in abuse and lies for their personal gain. A long time ago, I
said that someday, when the script kiddies get to be adults, and the
statute of limitations expires on their activity, that they will come
forward and spill their beans on who, what, why and when. I think the
"Kevin Mitnicks" of the script-kiddie spamming world will want to tell
their stories. The first generation of script kiddies should be coming
of age and beyond the statute of limitations pretty soon.

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